How to Bury an Egyptian King.
In 1530 BCE, Ahmose I is dead. He must now be buried, in full pomp and circumstance.
We join the King's son, Djser-ka-Re Amunhotep I, the six-year-old ruler of Egypt, as he buries his father.
Some burial items of Ahmose. Two small lions, and a cartouche-shaped chest (Louvre, via Wikipedia).
An Egyptian funeral depicted in a papyrus of the 19th Dynasty.
Ahmose's sword (Royal Ontario Museum, via Wikipedia).
The mummy of Ahmose I (disputed). Via Wikipedia.
Mourning women of the New Kingdom.
A fragmented statue of a mourning woman. Louvre Museum, Paris.
Emily Teeter. Religion and Ritual in Ancient Egypt. 2011.
Steven Snape. Ancient Egyptian Tombs: the Culture of Life and Death. 2011. Google Books.
Aidan Dodson. "The Burials of Ahmose I" in Studies in Honor of Kent R. Weeks. 2010.
Edward F. Wente. "Who Was Who Among the Royal Mummies." 1995. Read for Free Here. Follow-up discussion by the same author here.
University College London website - The Opening of the Mouth.