Episode 51: Everywhere and Nowhere
Invisible Kings of Dynasty 13  The 13th Dynasty begins in 1786 BCE, with the reign of Sobek-Hotep I. This king, like the fifty who follow him, is nearly invisible in the archaeological record. Why? We...
View ArticleEpisode 52: Two Dynasties at Once
Canaanites in the North, Egyptians in the South.  In 1700 BCE, Egypt is suddenly riven in two. The Delta, populated by a mixture of native Egyptians and second/third-generation Canaanite immigrants is...
View ArticleEpisode 53: Rulers of Foreign Lands
The Hyksos - Invaders  c.1650 BCE, Egypt is invaded from the East. They come from an unknown region of Arabia/Palestine/Syria, and have overthrown the Canaanites of the Delta. They subjugate the lands...
View ArticleEpisode 54: The Three Kingdoms
A Game of Chess The Hyksos remain supreme over Egypt, along with their allies the Nubians of Kerma. In Thebes, the Kings of Dynasty Sixteen are struggling to resist the invaders and reclaim their...
View ArticleEpisode 55: Blood and Thunder
Are you ready?!  1560 BCE: King Seqenenre Tao is dead. His body must now be retrieved from the battlefield and given its proper burial, a task which falls to his widow. This formidable and talented...
View ArticleEpisode 56: The Return of the King
Queens, Warriors and Conquest  The Second Intermediate Period is coming to its end. On land and river the Thebans attack the Hyksos, pushing them northward towards their capital. King Ahmose I and his...
View ArticleEpisode 56-B: Restoring Splendour
Second Intermediate Period (End).  The Hyksos are on the run, pursued by King Ahmose I and his warriors. Into the lands of Palestine they go, towards their final confrontation at Sharuhen. Meanwhile,...
View ArticleEpisode 56-C: A Royal Funeral
How to Bury an Egyptian King. In 1530 BCE, Ahmose I is dead. He must now be buried, in full pomp and circumstance. We join the King's son, Djser-ka-Re Amunhotep I, the six-year-old ruler of Egypt, as...
View ArticleUpdate and News
The Podcast must go on a forced hiatus. A family member is ill; very seriously ill. Â We will be back as soon as we can, hopefully before April. Â Life Prosperity Health Dominic Perry
View ArticleUpdate 2 and King Tut's Tomb
An update on the state of the podcast and my family, and a review of the news regarding King Tut's tomb in the Valley of the Kings. Â
View ArticleEpisode 57: All Things Good and Pure
Amunhotep I and the Splendour of Thebes  The New Kingdom begins. From 1530 BCE to 1510, Thebes enjoys a resurgence in wealth and power. Tombs become more elaborate, the middle-class of artisans and...
View ArticleEpisode 58. The Great Turnaround
Thutmose I and the Wars of Expansion  Thebes, 1519 BCE. Amunhotep I is dead; Queen Mother Ahhotep is dead. Power has shifted from one branch of the family to another, and a newcomer is on the throne....
View ArticleMini-Episode: Dancers for God
Dance the MagicDance!We take a shortbreak from the narrative, to visit some dancers andentertainers.    The tomb ofananonymousnoble-woman,Thebes. Calvin and Hobbes, by BillWatterson....
View ArticleNews from the Field
The Tomb of King Tut; a Temple of Hatshepsut; a Temple of Nectanebo. Â Welcome to a new feature of the podcast, "News from the Field," in which we round up the latest and most exciting news from...
View Article59. The Song of Thutmose
Thutmose IÂ Strikes Back: Genocide, Family Matters, and the Valley of the Kings. Â Family, exploration and tomb-building dominated Thutmose's first few years. He took great care for his five children,...
View ArticleEpisode 60: Thutmosid Family Values
The Royals: Thutmose I and Hatshepsut.  From 1519 - 1505 BCE, Thutmose I ruled the country with a distinct agenda: he separated the royal from the common, and the sacred from the mundane. At Karnak...
View ArticleEpisode 61: The Two Lands Serve Her
Hatshepsut (Prologue).  From 1495 - 1490 BCE, Hatshepsut acts as regent for her step-son, the nominal King of Egypt Thutmose III. But the Queen Regent has plans, and soon begins to consolidate her...
View ArticleEpisode 62: Holy of Holies
Hatshepsut (Part II): Legitimacy and Worship  In 1488 BCE, just one year, Hatshepsut makes some of her most daring moves. She takes the throne, becoming the second of Egypt's currently reigning kings....
View ArticleEpisode 62b. The Divine Birth of Hatshepsut
Interlude: Amun Fathers Hathsepsut  In a short break, we explore the tale Hatshepsut told about her origins. She ascribed her creation and birth to the King of the Gods, Amun-Ra himself. In this...
View ArticleEpisode 63: Hatshepsut's Excellent Adventure
Hatshepsut (Part III) & The Punt Expedition.  In 1488-1487 BCE, Egypt's reigning Queen-King Maat-ka-Re Hatshepsut launches her most famous project. Returning to the glory days of previous kings,...
View ArticleEpisode 64: Beloved Uncle
Hatshepsut (Part IV): Her Most Trusted Advisor.  From 1495 to 1485 BCE, a young noble-man found his career accelerating in tandem with his queen. This was the legendary Senenmut, who became on of...
View ArticleEpisode 65: Hatshepsut of Millions of Years
From 1485-1487, regnal years 10-17 of Hatshepsut, the Kingdom of Egypt is in a flurry of building work. Monuments are going up all over Egypt, requiring the work of thousands. These projects culminate...
View ArticleEpisode 65b: Two Texts of Hatshepsut
A short break from the narrative history, as we dive deep into the texts of Hatshepsut's Punt Expedition, and the historical narrative from her temple in Middle Egypt, the Speos Artemidos. Guest vocals...
View ArticleEpisode 65c: Little King Thutmose
In today's episode we play catch-up, exploring the early years of Thutmose III, and his life under Hatshepsut's rule. Thutmose III spent his youth in training: training for rituals and prayers, for...
View ArticleEpisode 66: An Awkward Transition
After a long life, and an accomplished reign, Maat-ka-Re Hatshepsut dies in 1473 BCE, regnal year 22 of Thutmose III. To wrap up her story, we review her legacy, thank a few men and women that helped...
View ArticleMini-Episode: An Egyptian Horror Story
We explore some ghostly visitations; one man's attempt to gain the help of a long-dead spirit; some scoundrels scared straight by their encounters with the divine, and the Egyptian Guide to When Your...
View ArticleEpisode 67: Armageddon
Thutmose III (Part I): The Battle of Megiddo. In 1473 BCE, In this episode, Thutmose III faces a rebellion. Enemies have gathered against him, and he must destroy them, or risk losing his empire in...
View ArticleEpisode 67b: The Battle of Megiddo (A Dramatic Reading)
Thutmose III's account of his most daring victory. In 1473, regnal years 22/23, Thutmose crushed a rebellion against his authority in northern Canaan. What was written was a stirring account of bold...
View ArticleEpisode 68: Campaigns of Victory
Thutmose III (Part II). From 1473 to 1470 BCE, Thutmose began organising his domains in Canaan. The area was transformed, as a network of Egyptian garrisons, forts and supply depots began to appear....
View ArticleEpisode 68b: Deception at Joppa
Sometime in the reign of Thutmose III, a siege took place at Joppa (Tel Aviv, Israel). The Egyptians, never quite mastering siege-craft, were starving their enemy out, when an unusual opportunity...
View ArticleEpisode 69: North by Northwest
Foreigners and Trade in the time of Thutmose III. We explore the world beyond the Egyptian Empire. Visiting the peoples of Crete (Keftiu), Cyprus (Alashiya) and Byblos (Kupna) we see what was happening...
View ArticleEpisode 70: The Napoleon of Egypt
In 1462, Thutmose III demonstrates flair, cunning and audacity, by leading a full-on attack against his most dangerous foes. The most spectacular campaign in his reign, and in Egypt's history so far......
View ArticleMini Episode: Inauguration Day
A shameless tie-in with current events: we explore the way a ruler of Egypt was chosen and crowned, which could be more complicated than you might expect... Images and Bibliography at
View ArticleMini Episode: The First Pharaohs
A quick look at the word "Pharaoh:" what it means, how it came about, and why I very rarely use it in the Podcast (until now). Podcast website: https://egyptianhistorypodcast.com/
View ArticleMini Episode: New Years Festivities
The Egyptian New Year began in the month called "Tekh." It heralded a month of important rituals: festivals of the Nile Flood (Hapi), festivals to honour the blessed dead (Wagy-and-Thoth), the...
View ArticleEpisode 71: Thirty-Two and Thirty
In regnal year 30 (3 years before the Mitanni Campaign), Thutmose celebrates his first jubilee. The King must renew his powers and re-enact his coronation. For this he will need a new monument, a few...
View ArticleNews From the Field 2 - February 2017
The History of Egypt, as they described it, from the Dawn of Civilization to the Fall of the Roman Empire. A tale of love, legend, culture, exploration and war, told through the eyes of the ancients...
View ArticleEpisode 72: The Home Front (Letters to Ahmose)
Personal correspondence is an exciting find for Egyptologists. It's even more exciting when they find a whole corpus of letters, all related to the same person. Come, meet Ahmose, "Peniaty's man..."...
View ArticleMini Episode: Opet Festivities
The Religious Year (2/12). In the month of Pa-Opet ("Phaophi") the Egyptians continued their long re-enactment of the myth of Osiris. They also celebrated a huge festival in honour of the Pharaoh. And...
View ArticleEpisode 73: The Three Princesses
After the brilliant campaign of regnal year 33, Thutmose enjoys a period of peace and plenty. Foreign powers begin to seek relations with Egypt, and the power of the Pharaoh appears supreme. This also...
View ArticleMini Episode: Hathor Festivities
The religious year (3/12). The month of Hathor saw a concentrated effort on renewing fertility energies in the natural world. Festivals to the male god of sexual energy, and the widow and sister of...
View ArticleEpisode 74: War Stories
After 20+ years of near-annual campaigning, Thutmose III finally comes to the end of his life at war. We explore the last ten years of this process in one sweep: successes (and failures) abound; there...
View ArticleEpisode 75: Thutmose Triumphant
From 1455 to 1450BCE, Thutmose III spends much of his time involved in domestic affairs. Unfortunately, he also begins to display some significant insecurities. This manifests in some surprising - and...
View ArticleMini Episode: Khoiak Festivities
The Religious Year (4/12). In the fourth month of the year, the Egyptians celebrated the end of the Nile flood (Akhet). With grand ceremonies to Hathor, Osiris and the god Sokar, they brought the first...
View ArticleEpisode 76: 54 Years of Splendour
From 1450 to 1441, Thutmose lives out the last nine years of his reign. He commands a final expedition; oversees construction work at many sites; brings his tomb to completion; and makes arrangements...
View ArticleEpisode 77: Lean and Swift
1459 to 1440 BCE: Amunhotep II enjoyed a privileged upbringing. He rode chariots, competed in sports activities, and even trained horses. When he ascended to power, he continued many of these habits....
View ArticleMini Episode: Banquet Festivities
The fifth month was a month of snake-worship and cats sailing. Worship of Neheb-kau, Bastet, Shesmet-et, Mut and Wadjet dominated the headlines. We meet a few of these strange deities, and see why, in...
View ArticleThe Mummy (2017) Egyptological Impressions
The Mummy (2017) stars Tom Cruise and Sofia Botella. Is it any good? It's okay, but there are a few genuine frustrations with its historical aspects.
View ArticleThe Mummy (1999) Re-View
I re-watched 1999's iteration of "The Mummy." Does it hold up? Music for this episode by Derek and Brandon Fiechter: https://dbfiechter.bandcamp.com/
View ArticleEpisode 78: The Duties of the Vizier
Around 1440 BCE, a man living in Thebes decorated his tomb with a text describing his job. The job? Nothing less than running half the country. Today, we meet Rekh-mi-Re, a Vizier of Upper Egypt and...
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