Thutmose I Strikes Back: Genocide, Family Matters, and the Valley of the Kings.
Family, exploration and tomb-building dominated Thutmose's first few years. He took great care for his five children, bringing on a special tutor for the princes, Paheri. This man, grand-son of Ahmose Ibana represented the culmination of three generations of family fortunes.
Thutmose launches a new tomb in a new location, the Valley of the Kings. Although a small tomb, it is the start of a new era in our story, where royal burials begin to cluster in a single magnificent cemetery.
Finally the King launches a new campaign into Nubia. He leaves record of this at Tombos, a record that suggests his activities were less than salubrious - they may even have been genocidal.
The sarcophagus of Thutmose I from his tomb in the Valley of the Kings. Made for him by Hatshepsut (source: wikipedia).
The tomb of Thutmose I in the Valley of the Kings - KV38
Paheri and prince Wadjmose, son of Thutmose I (source: wikipedia).
Family members gathered in the tomb of Paheri (source:
The Nubian lands; Thutmose's army came up to point (5), the area of Kurgus and the Fifth Cataract.
Anthony Spalinger, War in Ancient Egypt, 2006.
Nicolas Grimal, A History of Ancient Egypt, 1994.
Ian Shaw (ed.), The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt, 2000.
W. Vivian Davies, "The Tomb of Ahmose son-of-Ibana at Elkab: Documenting the Family and Other Observations," 2009. Read online.
- the tomb of Paheri
- the tomb of Ahmose Ibana