Episode O: Introduction
Welcome! The Egyptian History Podcast will tell the story of Egypt's great civilisation, from the dawn of history (and mythology) to the defeat of Cleopatra in 31BCE. Over 3000 years of history, in...
View ArticleEpisode 1-A: Infinite Waters
The Creation of the Universe and the First Egyptians In the unfathomable depths of time, the god Atum created the Universe. His children became the air (Shu), the water (Tefnut), the sky (Nut) and...
View ArticleEpisode I-B: Green of Grey
The Growth of Farming, Trade and Art Welcome to the North, known as the Nile Delta. Here we find a whole swathe of culturally-linked settlements, from Merimda to Maadi to Buto. From 4800 BCE to 4000...
View ArticleEpisode 2-A: Between Myth and History
The Rise of Naqada, the Wars in the North Life is breezy and comfortable in the Nile Valley. The regular pattern of flood, planting and harvest has set a sedate pace of life for the people living...
View ArticleEpisode 2-B: Horus and the Fortress
King Narmer and the Unification There are some new kids on the block. Communities are beginning to connect with each other beyond trade or fighting: a greater sense of connection is coming to be....
View ArticleEpisode 2: Horus Takes Flight (Part I)
Horus Versus Seth [2014 Edit] Dynasties I and II establish and expand their authority, both within the Nile valley and outside their borders. Civil war is hinted at in Peribsen's sudden shift to a...
View ArticleEpisode 2: Horus Takes Flight (Part II)
The War of Horus and Seth The conflicts of Horus Khasekhemwy and Seth Peribsen continue. The Second Dynasty passes with little record to tell us of its rulers or events.
View ArticleEpisode 3: Stairway to Heaven
Djoser and the Step Pyramid. The Third Dynasty opens with a king named Netjerykhet Djoser, whose architectural achievements gave birth to pyramid building. Egypt's government reveals its developing...
View ArticleEpisode 4: The Two Lands Are My Palace
Djoser, Imhotep and Elephantine. Djoser's Step Pyramid is completed. Imhotep returns, and later becomes a patron deity of wisdom and learning. Elephantine, one of the best sources for Old Kingdom...
View ArticleEpisode 5: He Who Makes Beautiful Things
Dynasty Four Begins. A new dynasty has begun with the king Sneferu ("one who causes fine things"). The attempt to construct the world's first "true" pyramid would see numerous false starts and...
View ArticleEpisode 6: The Ram-God Protects Him
The Great Pyramid Onwards to Giza, where Khnum-Khufu commissions the largest stone building in history. Thousands of labourers toil under the sun, but it is the planning, organisation and working...
View ArticleEpisode 7: He Appears Like Re
Khafre: Giza Part II Khufu passes to the afterlife, succeeded by two sons: Djedefre and Khafre. We continue our discusison of the royal funeral cult, and its relationship to the priests as a group....
View ArticleEpisode 8: That Which I Own
Menkaure and the Egyptian Economy The death of Khafre sees his elder son Menkaure take the throne. His pyramid, the third and smallest of Giza, reveals the strain on the Egyptian economy. We discuss...
View ArticleEpisode 9: She Is Foremost
Royal Women, Dynasty IV Ends. The power of the throne is now in the hands of the queen Khentykaus I, a mother of two kings. Although she may not be a full-fledged king, the queen wields significant...
View ArticleEpisode 10: A Temple To The Sun
The Fifth Dynasty Begins. The end of the Fourth Dynasty comes with the reigns of Shepseskaf and his brother, Userkaf. These two rulers are guided (or led?) by their mother, Khentykaus I. We also...
View ArticleEpisode 11: Off To Punt We Go
Sahure and the Royal Fleet A new ruler comes to power: Sahure, son of Userkaf. The new king commissions a magnificent fleet to vist the mysterious land of Punt. To commemorate the voyage the king...
View ArticleEpisode 12: I Make the Soul Beautiful
Sahure, Neferirkare and Raneferef. The long reign of Sahure now draws to a close, and his son Neferirkare Kakai takes the throne. The wife of Neferirkare, Khentykaus II, wields enormous influence from...
View ArticleEpisode 13: The Hairdressers Cometh
Niuserre (Part I). The reign of Niuserre has begun, and the political landscape is changing with the times. Courtiers with no blood-link to the royal family begin to enter the highest levels of...
View ArticleEpisode 14: The Joy of Re's Heart
Niuserre (Part II). The reign of Niuserre is a time of great achievement and splendour. Outside the royal family, elite families are gaining status and expressing themselves anew. His short-lived...
View ArticleEpisode 15: The Enduring Ka
Djedkare (Part I). The reigns of Niuserre and Djedkare are notable for the increased visibility of nobles in the state administration. With this new found status comes an increase in the kingdom's...
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