The Egyptian world is created by Atum,, the Lord of Manifestation. Atum gives birth to Shu, and Tefnut. Then come the great gods of the Earth, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Nephthys etc.
Episode 1: Infinite Waters
Episode 2: Horus Takes Flight
The land of Egypt is unified, the kingdom as we know it comes into being.
Episode 3: With Apologies to Led Zeppelin
The history of the Third Dynasty, featuring Netjery-khet Djoser, the Step Pyramid, and the "Tale of the Destruction of Mankind"
Episode 65: Hatshepsut of Millions of Years
From 1485-1487, regnal years 10-17 of Hatshepsut, the Kingdom of Egypt is in a flurry of building work. Monuments are going up all over Egypt, requiring the work of thousands.
These projects culminate in the year 16 sed-festival, Hatshepsut's grand jubilee: an anniversary....but of what?
Additional vocals provided by Anya Banerjee (Actress).
Episode 65b: Two Texts of Hatshepsut
A short break from the narrative history, as we dive deep into the texts of Hatshepsut's Punt Expedition, and the historical narrative from her temple in Middle Egypt, the Speos Artemidos.
Guest vocals by Anya Banerjee (Actress):
James H. Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt, volume II, 1906.
Edouard Naville, The Temple of Deir el-Bahari, volume III, 1898.
James P. Allen, The Speos Artemidos Inscription of Hatshepsut, Bulletin of the Egyptological Seminar 16, 2012.
Episode 65c: Little King Thutmose
In today's episode we play catch-up, exploring the early years of Thutmose III, and his life under Hatshepsut's rule.
Thutmose III spent his youth in training: training for rituals and prayers, for governance and learning, and for military arts and warfare. He learned the arts of politics and government in the HAREM, which we explore for the first time.
He also spent a great deal of time with the ARMY, which has changed a lot since the days of the Middle Kingdom or War of Independence.
Anthony Spalinger, War in Ancient Egypt, 2005.
Richard Gabriel, Thutmose III: A Military Biography, 2009.
Eric Cline (editor), Thutmose III: A New Biography, 2006.
Juan Carlos Moreno García (editor), Ancient Egyptian Administration, 2013.
Kara Cooney, The Woman Who Would Be King, 2014.
Betsy M. Bryan (and others, editor), Creativity and Innovation in the Reign of Hatshepsut, 2014.
Episode 66: An Awkward Transition
After a long life, and an accomplished reign, Maat-ka-Re Hatshepsut dies in 1473 BCE, regnal year 22 of Thutmose III.
To wrap up her story, we review her legacy, thank a few men and women that helped her in life, and touch on the strange absence of her tomb. Do we have her mummy? We explore that, too.
Bibliography: Kara Cooney, The Woman Who Would Be King, 2014; Peter F. Dorman, The Monuments of Senenmut, 1988; Richard A. Gabriel, Thutmose III: A Military Biography, 2009; Alan R. Schulman, "Some Remarks on the Alleged "Fall" of Senenmut," JARCE 8 (1969); Filip Taterka, "Hatshepsut and Senenmut or the Secret Affairs of the Egyptian State," in D. Lewandowska et al (eds.), Cupido Dominandi (2015); Betsy M. Bryan et al (eds.), Creativity and Innovation in the Reign of Hatshepsut (2014).
Mini-Episode: An Egyptian Horror Story
We explore some ghostly visitations; one man's attempt to gain the help of a long-dead spirit; some scoundrels scared straight by their encounters with the divine, and the Egyptian Guide to When Your Dreams Are Trying to Kill You. Join us for some horror stories, Egyptian style!
Bibliography: Kasia Sapkowska, Behind Closed Eyes: Dreams and Nightmares in Ancient Egypt, 2003; William K. Simpson (ed.), The Literature of Ancient Egypt, 2003.
Episode 67: Armageddon
Thutmose III (Part I): The Battle of Megiddo. In 1473 BCE, In this episode, Thutmose III faces a rebellion. Enemies have gathered against him, and he must destroy them, or risk losing his empire in Canaan...
Battle, audacity, and Monty Python ensues!
Toby Wilkinson, Writings from Ancient Egypt, 2016;
Richard A. Gabriel, Thutmose III: A Military Biography, 2009;
Donald Redford, The Wars in Syria and Palestine of Thutmose III, 2003;
Hans Goedicke, The Battle of Megiddo, 2000;
Eric Cline & David O'Connor (eds), Thutmose III: A New Biography, 2006.
Episode 67b: The Battle of Megiddo (A Dramatic Reading)
Thutmose III's account of his most daring victory. In 1473, regnal years 22/23, Thutmose crushed a rebellion against his authority in northern Canaan. What was written was a stirring account of bold decisions, enemy villainy and great victory.
Readings provided by Podcasters: Elias Belhaddad (The History of Islam); Ben Jacobs (Wittenberg to Westphalia); Travis J Dow (History of Germany); Steve Guerra (History of the Papacy); Thomas Daly (American Biography); David Crowther (The History of England); and Erik Fogg (ReConsider).
Bibliography: Toby Wilkinson, Writings from Ancient Egypt, 2016 (text); Hans Goedicke, The Battle of Megiddo, 2000; Donald B. Redford, The Wars in Syria and Palestine of Thutmose III, 2003.
Episode 68: Campaigns of Victory
Thutmose III (Part II). From 1473 to 1470 BCE, Thutmose began organising his domains in Canaan. The area was transformed, as a network of Egyptian garrisons, forts and supply depots began to appear. This was all in service to much greater plans...
In this episode we meet the Canaanites who surrendered after Megiddo, the warriors of Thutmose's army and the town in which they lived, and then explore the 2nd - 4th "Campaigns of Victory" in Canaan.
Manfred Bietak, "Peru-Nefer: The Principle New Kingdom Naval Base," 2009; Richard A. Gabriel, Thutmose III: A Military Biography, 2009; Donald Redford, The Wars in Syria and Palestine of Thutmose III, 2003; Eric Cline & David O’Connor (eds), Thutmose III: A New Biography, 2006; Nicolas Grimal, A History of Ancient Egypt, 1994; Anthony Spalinger, War in Ancient Egypt, 2004.
Episode 68b: Deception at Joppa
Sometime in the reign of Thutmose III, a siege took place at Joppa (Tel Aviv, Israel). The Egyptians, never quite mastering siege-craft, were starving their enemy out, when an unusual opportunity presented itself. Thinking quickly, the wily Djehuty made a cunning plan...
See Djehuty's relics at
Music by Michael Levy, composer:
Bibliography: William K. Simpson, The Literature of Ancient Egypt, 2003; Colleen Manassa, Imagining the Past: Historical Fiction in New Kingdom Egypt, 2013; Anthony Spalinger, War in Ancient Egypt, 2005.
Episode 69: North by Northwest
Foreigners and Trade in the time of Thutmose III. We explore the world beyond the Egyptian Empire. Visiting the peoples of Crete (Keftiu), Cyprus (Alashiya) and Byblos (Kupna) we see what was happening beyond the realm of direct Egyptian rule. Oh, and there's a goofy poem at the end.
Bibliography at see images at
Episode 70: The Napoleon of Egypt
In 1462, Thutmose III demonstrates flair, cunning and audacity, by leading a full-on attack against his most dangerous foes. The most spectacular campaign in his reign, and in Egypt's history so far...
Map at and Bibliography at
Mini Episode: Inauguration Day
A shameless tie-in with current events: we explore the way a ruler of Egypt was chosen and crowned, which could be more complicated than you might expect...
Images and Bibliography at
Mini Episode: The First Pharaohs
A quick look at the word "Pharaoh:" what it means, how it came about, and why I very rarely use it in the Podcast (until now).
Podcast website:
Mini Episode: New Years Festivities
The Egyptian New Year began in the month called "Tekh." It heralded a month of important rituals: festivals of the Nile Flood (Hapi), festivals to honour the blessed dead (Wagy-and-Thoth), the beginning of a multi-month re-enactment of the legends of the god Osiris. The Egyptians got up to all kinds of shenanigans...
Bibliography and Images at
Episode 71: Thirty-Two and Thirty
In regnal year 30 (3 years before the Mitanni Campaign), Thutmose celebrates his first jubilee. The King must renew his powers and re-enact his coronation. For this he will need a new monument, a few gods, and a baseball bat...
Bibliography at
News From the Field 2 - February 2017
The History of Egypt, as they described it, from the Dawn of Civilization to the Fall of the Roman Empire. A tale of love, legend, culture, exploration and war, told through the eyes of the ancients and their stories.
Episode 72: The Home Front (Letters to Ahmose)
Personal correspondence is an exciting find for Egyptologists. It's even more exciting when they find a whole corpus of letters, all related to the same person. Come, meet Ahmose, "Peniaty's man..." Episode images and bibliography at